Help us “feather the nests” of our neighbors!
Whatever your passion, you can put it to good use helping our neighbors in need!
The ONLY way greeNest works is through the generous efforts of its volunteers.
Whether for a few hours here and there or on a regular basis, there is ALWAYS a need for your help!

All volunteers need to fill out the volunteer registration form above. You will receive an email confirmation with instructions and orientation information once you have successfully registered.
Adult Volunteers (age 18+)
After you Register, you will receive a confirmation email from greeNest with instructions about New Volunteer Orientation.
New volunteer orientation will be held twice per month. Volunteers must attend orientation prior to registering for a volunteer shift.
Student Volunteers - ages 14-18 in need of community service hours - You will need to Register and you are invited to volunteer on our Student Saturdays (the Second Saturday of each month). When you are signed up for a Student Saturday you will not need to attend our "New Volunteer" Orientation nor will a parent/guardian need to accompany you.
Volunteers Under age 14 - You and a parent/guardian are welcome to Register and attend a "New Volunteer" Orientation together.
Groups - If you would like to volunteer as a group, please email or call the office at 336-661-8091.
Here are some ways you can help!
Are you a “clean machine”?
Help us tidy up our donations with minor cleaning and repairs
Our own “nest” needs cleaning, dusting and vacuuming, too!
Recovering or repainting donated items (small items!)
Sorting and organizing donations
Do you have “strong wings”?
We can sure use your muscle to help move and arrange furniture!
Also with loading and unloading household furnishings
Is your particular talent geared more toward the artistic side of the brain? Help make our "showroom" attractive and welcoming to our guests!
Compose seasonal accessory baskets
Arrange and maintain the art collection for our guests
Stage and design spaces in our "showroom"
If you are handy with tools...
Test, clean, and repair lamps and small appliance
Paint and/or repair furniture
Light carpentry work
And for the Party Planners...
Planning, organizing, and helping out at fundraising events
Available for short term and big projects
The Great Outdoors is our "front porch." Can you help with...
Watering and maintaining beds
Weeding and Mulching
Seasonal Plantings
Volunteer Shifts are
10:00 - 12:30 and 1:00 - 3:30 Tuesday - Friday
9:00am - Noon on Saturday