Why We Are Here
After bouncing from shelter to shelter and living on the streets, many homeless families are left with little of their previous lives intact. If they are lucky, they have loved ones and a few of the bare essentials.
When finally offered affordable housing, the starkness of an empty house confronts them. With few personal belongings of their own, a house is just not a home. But with the cost of rent, utilities, food, and child care, there is little or no money left for furnishings. No family should have to lie down on a cold, hard floor.
By partnering with agencies in Forsyth County who have case management programs, greeNest strives to provide a vital link in the journey from homelessness to independent living.
What We Do
greeNest is a unique local program, modeled after The Green Chair Project in Wake County, that for a small fee, provides household furnishings to individuals and families transitioning to sustainable housing. Volunteers will sort, clean and organize furniture and household goods that have been donated by the community and tastefully stage a “showroom” from which participants will make selections.
For a nominal fee, participants, accompanied by caseworkers from various partner agencies, will choose donated items that best suit their needs and preferences, thus providing dignity and prioritization skills. Participants then will become “owners,” not merely “recipients.”
How We Do It
Furniture Donors
greeNest is supported by donations collected from homes, businesses, and offices
All donations are tax-deductible
See out list for items that we can and cannot accept
greeNest relies on an army of volunteers, without which it could not operate. These volunteers contribute their time, ideas, muscles, vision, and talents to evaluate, process, and prepare the donated items and create a warm setting to welcome the clients greeNest is serving. It is a blessing and a privlidge to serve the community in such a meaningful way.
Partnering Agencies
A case manager from a Partnering Agency may request furnishings from greeNest for a client that is being re-housed
Using a “feather points” systems, the participant’s furnishing fee is calculated based on the request
Participants, along with their case managers, visit greeNest and select furnishings for their new home!